History Notes Part VIII – Sayyid Dynasty and Lodhi Dynasty and Bahmani Kingdom (Static GK Material for Competitive Exams)

sayyid Dynasty, Important History notes, Lucent G.K. material for History, Lodhi Dynasty, Sikandar Lodhi, Ibrahim Lodhi , The Delhi Sultanate, Battle of Panipat, History Notes, History Notes for Competitive Exams, Important Dynasties of Medieval India, Saluva Dynasty, Tuluva Dynasty, Bahlul Lodhi, One Liners for History. 

The Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1450 AD)

Khizr Khan (1414-1421)

  • Sayyid Dynasty was founded by Khizr Khan who was nominee of Timur, who plundered Delhi in 1398.
  • Khizr Khan captureed Delhi and proclaimed himself as new Sultan.
  • He ruled Delhi and surrounding districts.

Mubarak Shah (1414-1434)

  • Mubarak Shah succeeded Khizr Khan at the throne after his successful expeditions against Mewatis, Katehars and Gangetic doab.
  • Mubarak Shah was killed in his court by the nobles.

Muhammad Shah (1414-1443)

  • He was put on the throne by the nobles. But he can not survive due to the in-fighting among the nobles.
  • Muhammad Shah was only given a area of around 30 miles while the rest of the Sultanate was ruled by the nobles.

Alam Shah (1443-1451)

  • Alam Shah was the last Sayyid King. He descended in favour of Bahlul Lodhi and himself retired.
  • Thus the Sayyid dynasty ended and the Lodhi dynasty came to the throne of Delhi and ruled Delhi and a few surrounding areas.

The Lodhi Dynasty (1451-1526 AD)

Bahlul Lodhi (1451-1488 AD)

  • Bahlul Lodhi was the founder of the Lodhi Dynasty.
  • He was among one of the Afgan Sardars who established himself in Punjab after the invasion of Timur.

Sikander Lodhi (1489-1517 AD)

  • Sikander Lodhi was the son of sultan Bahlul Lodhi and Bibi Ambha. He was made Sultan after Bahlul Lodhi.
  • He was a capable ruler who conquered Bihar, Gwalior and Western Bengal.
  • He encouraged trade across his territory but discriminated against Hindu subjects.
  • He was a fanatical Muslim and broke the sacred idols of the Jawalamukhi Temple at Nagar Kot and ordered the temples of Mathura to be destroyed.
  • He founded the city of Agra and shifted his capital from Delhi to Agra.
  • He was also a poet of Persian language and prepared a Diwan of 9000 verses. He composed poems in Persian with pen-name ‘Gulrukhi’.
  • Sikandar Lodhi took keen interest in development of Agriculture. He introduced Gaz-i-Sikandari of 32 digits for measuring cultivated fields.
  • He died in 1517.

Ibrahim Lodhi (1517-1526 AD)

  • Ibrahim Lodhi became the Sultan of Delhi after the death of his father Sikandar Lodhi.
  • He was the last king of the Lodhi dynasty.
  • Ibrahim Lodhi asserted the absolute power of Sultan. He replaced the old and senior commandants with new and younger ones which displeased the nobles.
  • He faced a number of rebellions due his brave moves and individualistic tendencies.
  • At last Daulat Khan Lodhi, the governor of Punjab invited Babur, the king of Kabulistan (Kabul, present Afganistan) to overthrow Ibrahim Lodhi.
  • Babur accepted the offer and inflicted a crushing defeat on Ibrahim Lodhi in the first Battle of Panipat.
  • Ibrahim Lodhi was killed in the battle with ended the Lodhi dynasty and Delhi Sultanate, thus era of Mughal rule commenced.

Causes of Decline of Delhi Sultanate

  • Degeneration of Delhi Sultanate.
  • The wild project undertaken by Mohammad bin Tughlaq which resulted in loss of Sultanate’s wealth.
  • Financial Instability vastness of empire and poor communication which could not controlled effectively.
  • There was a huge increase in number of slaves during the reign of Firoz Shah Tughlaq which was a burden on treasury.

First Battle of Panipat

  • The first battle of Panipat was fought between the forces of Ibrahim Lodhi and Babur.
  • Babur forces number around 25,000-30,000 men and had between 20 and 14 pieces of field artillery.
  • First Battle of Panipat established the Mughal dynasty in India.

Administration, Art and Architecture under Delhi Sultanate

  • Diwan-i-Wizarat was the Department of Finance.
  • Diwan-i-Ishthiaq founded by Firoz Shah Tughlaq was department of Persions.
  • Diwan-i-Riyasat was department of commerce founded by Alauddin Khilji.
  • Diwan-i-Ariz was the department of military.
  • Moth ki Masjid erected by Prime Minister of Sikander Lodhi has double domes, which was the main feature of Lodhi Architecture.
  • Tomb of Ghiyasuddin Balban is in Mehrauli (Delhi).
  • The author of Tahqiq-i-Hind is Alberuni.
  • Laila-Majnu, Khaizain-ul-Futuh, Tughlaq-Nama and Nuh-Siphir are the books written by Amir Khusrau, the court poet of Alauddin Khilji.

Saluva Dynasty (1485-1505)

  • Saluva dynasty was founded by Saluva Narshima. The last ruler was Immadi Narshima.

Tuluva Dynasty (1505-1570)

  • Tuluva Dynasty was founded by Vir Narsimha, the son of Narsa Nayaka.
  • Vir Narsimha killed Immadi Narsimha, the last ruler of Saluva dynasty.

Bahmani Kingdom

Alauddin Hasan Bahman

  • Bahmani kingdom was founded by Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah. He was also known as Hasan Gangu.
  • The capital of Bahmani Kingdom was at Gulbarga.

Tajuddin Firoz Shah (1397-1422)

  • He was the greatest ruler of Bahmani kingdom.
  • He paid much attention to ports of his kingdom which attracted trade ships from Persian Gulfard Relsen.

Ahmad Shah Wali (1422-1435)

  • He transferred the capital from Gulbarga to Bidar.

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