NCERT Solution Class 7th – Chapter 4th – Heat And Its Affect

In this post we will see  class 7 Science Chapter 4 – Heat And Its Affect based on NCERT. It can be used for all the students studying in CBSE boards or any board which are using the NCERT books for their syllabus. All the answers are prepared by Expert teachers and are very useful for all the board using NCERT like CBSE, State boards.

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Exercise -1st Answer In Brief 

Question -1 Give two Important effect of heat?

Solution – [1]  Heat is a form of energy  it is called thermal energy

[2] The effect of heat  are change in temperature ,expansion ,  change of state  and chemical of biological changes

Question -2 Why do electric wires sages between poles on hot day ?

Solution –  Electric wires sag between poles on a hot day

Question – 3  Why are liquid used in thermometer ?

Solution – Liquid are used in thermometer  because liquid expand on heating and contract on heating

Question – 4  Name the three commonly used scale of  temperature?

Solution – [1] Celsius    [2] farenhit     [3] Kelvin

Question -5 Under what condition is better to use alchocal  instead of mercury in a thermometer?

Solution –Alchocal is used in thermometer  its feezing point is much lower than that of mercury therfore alchocal  therm meters  are useful in very cold places

Exercise  -2nd – Answer in long

Question  -1 Discuss the affect of heat?

Solution – [1] Heat is a form of energy  it is also called thermal energy

[2]  Heat can be transferred from one object to another

[3] Heat flows from an region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature

[4] If heat is added to a substance like when we boil   water on stove it become hot if we take away heat from object it becomes cold

[5] Heat can be also converted into other forms of energy For example heat energy can be converted to mechanical energy and vice versa

Question- 2 How is a smaller metal rim fixed on a bigger wooden wheel?

Solution – A metal rim is heated so that it expand an can be fitted over wooden wheel When the metal  rim cools it contrats and grips the wheel firmly

Question – 3 Why are grapes left between length of railway line?

Solution –  Railway tracks are constructed with gapes in the rail to allow the metal rail to expand due to the heat of the summer and heat generated by friction

Question – 4 Convert —   

[1] 66 c to F                              [2] 37 C to F

Solution –  [1] 66 C  to F            = 9/5 *37 -32

 1 C= 5/9 *66 -32                        =9/5 *5

= 5 *22/3 -32                               = 9 F 

= 110 – 32 /3 

= 78/3

=26 F

Question – 5 Write an explation of a clinical thermometer  explain the function?

Solution – A clinical thermometer is gratuted from 35 C to 42 C  This is because the temperature  of the human body varies only within this range the average normal  body body temperature  of a healthy human is 37 C  there is a kink or a construction just above the bulb when the thermometer is placed under the tongue  or under the arms of a person  the mercury expands due to the warmth and pushes past  like kink

Question – 6 State two difference between a laborty thermometer ?

Solution –  The laborayry thermometer  this thermometer is usually used in laborites to check the temperature during experiment The clinical thermometer is used to measure the temperature of the human the clinic thermometer  is grattaded from 35 C to 42 C

Exercise -3rd   Choose the correct answer

[1] If heat energy is removed from an object its temperature will ___________

[1] Fall                    [2] Rise                      [3]remain steady                       [4] fall and rise

Answer – Fall

[2] For the same rise in temperature which  of the follwing statement is false

[1] Liquid expand more than solid

[2] solids expand less than gases

[3] liquid expand more than gases

[4] Gases expand more than solids

Answer – Liquid expand more than gases

[3]  In the fahrenheit scale  how many  degrees are between thye upper and the lower fixed point

[1] 100                    [2] 32                        [3] 212                 [4] 180

Answer – 180

[4] What would  at 10 C rise in temperature be equal in to the fahrenhbeit scale?

[1] 10 F                           [2] 18 F                     [3] 50 F                      [4] 9 F

Answer – 50 F

[5]  The temperature at which both the ceclius and fahrehneit scales  give the same reading is

[1] 10                   [2] 20            [3] -40                [4] -10

Answer –   -40 

[6] the boiling point of water on the fahreneit scale  is

[1] 32 F                  [2] 0 F                     [3] 100 f                  [4] 212 F

Answer – 212 F

[7]  In very cold place alchocal is used in thermometers of mercury because

[1] Its freezing point is lower

[2] its freezing point is higher

[3] It is more colourful

[4] It evaporates easily

Answer –  Its freezing point is lower

Exercise 4th  Fill in the blanks 

[1] ________ flows from a region of _________ temperature to a region of _____________ temperature

Answer – Heat      Higher     lower

[2] Change of state is one of the effect of ______

Answer – Heat 

[3] Liquid thermometer work on the principal that liquid ______________ on heating

Answer – Expand 

[4] Temperature is a measure of the  ____________ or ____________ of an object

Answer – Hot or Cold 

[5] In India we use  the __________ scale of temperature

Answer  – Celsius 

[6] In a clinical thermometer the difference between two marking is usually _______

Answer – 1C

[7] The lower fixed  point in fahreneit is ______________ degrees

Answer – 32 F 

[8] The temperature of melting ice is  ________ C =___________ F

Answer – 0 & 32

[8] The lower fixed point of fahrenheit is ____________ deegres

Answer – 32 F

[9] the most commonly used liquid in thermometers is  ___________

Answer –  Mercury 

Exercise 5th True or false

[1] Heat energy can be converted into other forms of energy   [True]

[2] Heating can also result in chemical changes                         [True]

[3] solids expand the least on heating and liquids the most       [True]

[4] The rate of expansion of all liquids on heating is the same   [False] 

[5] The boiling point of mercury is lower than that of alcohol    [False]           

[6] The kelvin scale is used by scientists all over the world         [True] 

[7] The body temperature of a normal healthy person is 37        [False] 

[8]  A rise of 1 K is egual to a rise of 1 C                                        [True]


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