NCERT Class 9th Physics Chapter 1 Motion Summary Rate of change of velocity

Rate of change of velocity

In uniform motion as an object moves along straight line with uniform velocity the change in velocity is zero but in non uniform motion the change in velocity is not equal to zero the value of velocity is different at different instants so a new quantity is introduced acceleration


Acceleration is change in velocity with respect to time, it is denoted by a and have SI unit m/s²

Let v be final velocity at any time t

u be the initial velocity at time t= 0

If the velocity of object changes from u to v in time t

Then acceleration a = v-u/t-0

= v-u/t

The kind of motion is known as accelerated motion and have positive value if final velocity is greater than initial velocity and is negative is final velocity is less than initial velocity i. e. Positive if taken in direction of velocity and negative if taken opposite to direction of velocity.