NCERT Class 7th Science Chapter 1- Nutrition in Plants Solutions

We are going to explain the complete chapter 1 solution for class 7th, ncert. These solutions are prepared by expert teachers.

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Class 7th Chapter 1 – Solutions Exercise 1  – Brief Answers

Question 1 : Why do Organism take Food 

Answer : 

  • Animal takes food for getting energy and for survival.
  • Animal also take food for growth of their leaves, fruits etc.


Question 2 : Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotroph.

Answer :   Here is the difference between prasite and saprotoph –

  1. Parasite are animals which feed on their host for the food and saprotoph are the animals which catch the small insects and some time little bigge1r animal as well.
  2. Parasite examples – Mosquitos, Saprotrophs  venus flytrap etc

Question; 3-What is photosynthesis

solution ;

  • photosynthesis is the process by which green plants prepare their own food using carbon dioxide  and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll

Question ;-4 What happen when you add a drop of iodione to starch

Solution;  –

  • When you add a drop of iodione to starch the starch will be blue black

Question ;5-  Define symbosis

Solution ;-

  • A relation ship between  two organsisms that benefits both is called symbosis

Question  ; -6  Name any two parasitic plant

Solution ; –

  1. dodder plant
  2. mistletoe plant

Question ; -7  From where do saprophytes got their nutrient

  • Solution ; – 

Organisms that get their nutrient from dead and deacying material are called saprophytes

Question ;-8  Why do some plants trap small animals and insects

Solution; – 

1   Some plants get s some of there nutrition by trapping and digesting  insects and sometime other small animals   these plants are called insectivorous plant


 Exercise 2nd Answers in Details – Long Answer Type Question

Question; -1  Briefly describe  what happen during photosynthesis

Solution: – 

Carbon dioxide is taken through tiny pores on the lower surface of the leaf these pores are known as stomata are surrounding by guard cells that control their opening and closing

Question ;-2 Why is photosynthesis important

Solution ;- Importance  of photosynthesis;-

  • plants store excess glouce as starch when animals eat plants they can use this  starch for their life process SO:Herbivorus are directly depended on plants for their food while carnivorus and omnivories are indirectly dependent on plants
  • The oxygen realeased after photosynthesis used by plants and animals for respiration
  • Photosynthesis help to maintain  the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Question ;-3 differnitate between autotrops and heterotrops

1    heterotops nutration is a kind of nutration where an organisms depend on other plants or animals for it nutration organisms that exhbit  this type of nutration are called heterotaps

2     Autotropic nutritation is the kind of nutritation  where a living organisms make it own food using simple substance that it gets from its enviroment orexhit that type of enviro ment is called autotrops

Question ;-4 Write a short note on heterotopic plants

solutation ;-  Organisms like animals some bacteria and fungi cannot prepare there own food they are depended directly  on green plants for their food  some kind of food are hetrotaps

Question ;-5  Explain  with an example each__ [1] Total parasite  [2]   symboint [3] saprophyte 


[1] A parasite such us dodder such as totaly dependent on the host for his nutratitan is called parasite

[2]  An organisms that is involved in a symbotic  realationship is called symboint

[3] organisms that get there nutrient  from dead and deacying material are called saprophyte

Question ;- 6 how are nutrient returned the soil after  being absorbed by plants  

Solution ;- – Nutrient can be returned  to the soil by applying manures  and fertilesrs or by natural method  these method include the  section  of saprophyte organism called decompesers  decompesers  are bacteria and fungi  that break down  the dead remains  of plants and animal into simple substance  this simple  substance can be again absorbed by plants

Exersise 3 Multiple Choice Type Question

[1]  The process by which an organisms gets the nutrient for its growth and development is

[1]Growth               [2]nutrition             [3] Reproduction            [4]breathing

Answer; – Nutrition

[2]  plants that can prepare there own food are called 

[1] Heterotrops              [2] autotrops          [3]   parasites             [4]saprotrops

Answer ;- Autotrophs

[3]  The gas that is prouded during photosynthesis

[1] oxygen       [2] carbon dioxide           [3] hydrogen            [4] nitrogen

Answer ;- Oxygen

[4] The green substance that help plant trap sunlight

[1] stomata                    [2]  chloroplast         [3] thromoplast       [4] chlorophyll

Answer;’-  chlorophyll

 [5]  Which of the following  are needed for photosynthesis

[1] sunlight and chlorophyll           [2]  oxygen and nitrogen

Answer;- sunlight and chlorophyll

[6] PLants that get their nutrient from other living organisms are called______

[1] symboint        [2]   parasite          [3] saprophytes        [4]   insectivores

Answer ;- parasite 

Exercise 4 Fill in the blanks

[1]_______ is the green substance found in autotrops    Answer;- [Chlorophyll]

[2] ________ are surrounded by guard cells that control there opening and closing   Answer;- [stomata]

[3]_________ is a product of photyosynthesis that is realsed into the air   Answer;- [Oxygen]

[4] IN most plants glouce is converted into________and stored     Answer;- [starch]

[5] Dodder is a plant that exhbit _________ nutration       Answer;- [host]

[6]Sundew is an example of an __________              Answer;- [Insectivorous]

[7]__________ get their food from dead ans deacying plants Animals       Answer;- [Saprophytes]

Exercise 5 – True or False

[1] Autotrops are organisms that cannot make their own food      [False]

[2] stomata are small pores present mainly in roots of plants         [False]

[3] photosynthesis is the process by which oxygen and water are converted into carbon dioxide and glouce   [False]

[4] some plants are hetertropic and depend on other organisms for food       [True]

[5] Partial parasites depend on the host for water and minerals                       [True]

[6]  Insectivores may be green in colour                                                              [True]


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