NCERT Class 7th Chapter 2nd solution – Nutrition in Animals – All Exercise Answers

We  have prepared the detailed solution of class 7th Science Chapter 2 – Nutrition in Animals, All the answers are prepared by Expert teachers and are very useful for all the board using NCERT like CBSE, State boards.

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 Chapter 2 Exercise 1 –   Brief Answer

Question;- 1  Define digestion  ?

Solution;- The process of breaking down complex food into simpler substance is called digestion

Question;- 2 How does an amoeba ingest its food  ?

Solution;- The amoeba ingests its food by using it pseudopodia to engulf 1 the food and take into the body it then secretes digestive juicies into the cavity  that contains the food once the food is digested it is absorbed an assimilated into the body. the undigested food is sent out of the body.

Question;- 3 how is food prevented from going into the windpipe while swallowing ?

Solution;- When the food is swallowed a flag called epiglottis prevents the food from entering  the wind pipe

Question;- 4 what are the function of saliva ?

Solution;- The saliva contain digestive juices that digest carbohydrate it also moistens the food making it easier to swallow

Question ;- 5 What is peristalsis ? 

Solution ;- The swallowed food travels to the stomach because of wave-like motion in the wall of oesophagus called peristalsis.

Question ;- 6 What do the walls of stomach secrete  ?        

Solution ;- The  walls of the stomach secrete digestive juices, acid and mucus.

Question ;- 7 What is the function of the mucus in the stomach ?

Solution ;-  The mucus coasts the wall of the stomach and prevents it from being digested by the digestive juices .

Question ;- 8 What are villi ? 

Solution ;- The innor walls of the small instine have memerous projections called villi .

Question ;- 9 How is digested food transport within the body ?

Solution ;-  The digested food enteres the blood in the small instine. This is carried thoughout the body through the blood steam .

Question :- 10 Name the four stomach in cattle ?

Solution ;-Rumen, reticulum, Omasum ,and abomasum

you can check Previous Chapter Solutions here –

Exercise 2nd – Answer in Long 

This exercise has long answers, here is list of all the questions and answers –

Question : 1 List and briefly describe the five steps of digestion ?

Solution ;- Ingestion  – The process of taking food into the body is called ingestion. Animals use various ways to ingest food .

Digestion – The food that animals eat cannot be used directly to get energy It has to be broken down into simpler substance that can be easily absorbed the process of breaking down complex food into simpler substance is called digestion .

Absorption  – The process by which the digested food i used by the body to generate energy nd carry out its life function is called assimilation.

Egestion-  The process by which the undigested food and waste is sent out of the body is called egestion.

Question : 2 Briefly describe  the structure and function of the different  kinds of teeth in human?

Solution;-  There are two type of teeth in the human mouth—

[1] Incisors  are teeth found in the front of the mouth they are chisel shaped are mainly used for bitting and cutting food

[2] Caniers are pointed and used for  piercing and tearing food into smaller pieces

Question;- 3 What is tooth decay caused by ? Explain how it occures

Solution;- Tooth decay is caused by bacteria present in the mouth . The bacteria act on small bit of food left in the  mouth after a meal to form as soft sticky material called plaque .Which sticks to the teeth of gums. the bacteria also change sugar into acids which destroy the enamal plaque and acids in the mouth result in tooth decay and gum protection

Question;-4 What are  the function of the tongue?

Solution;-  We have learnt in earlier classes that the tonge is a sense organ that help us taste food  we  use the taste buds on the surface of the tongue  to the tongue to differenetitae between sweet  bitter salty and sour food  The tongue is a muscular organ that help us mix the food with saliva   it also help us  roll of chewed food into a ball or bolus which is pushed towards the back of the mouth

Question;- 5 Describe what happen  to the food in the stomach and instine?

Solution;-  The inner walls of the small instine called villi the digested food enters to the blood vessels in the villi through their thin walls

Question;- 6 Explain what happens to  digested food when it enters the blood stream?

Solution;-  The digested food enters the blood  in the small intestine  this is carried throughtot the body  through the blood stream glouce is used to get  energy through the process of respiration  this occures  in  the cells of body    the simpler substance that we get when fat are digested  are stored in the body and also used asa source of energy  the simpler substance that we get when protiens are broken down are used for growth  repair and to make new material like protien like and homones

Question;-  Explain the pores of digestive in cattle?

Solution;-   When cattle eat the food is chewed and  swallowed quickly  it enters the rumen where micoorganisms help to break down  the plant material this partially digested food enters the second stomach  the recticlum where  it is either sent back or sent to the thirds stomach and the omasum

Exercise 3rd –  Multiple  Choice Question 

[1] Which of these feed on dead animals and plants ?

[1] Herbivores                    [2] Carnivores                   [3] omnivores                 [4] scavengers

Answer;- Scavengers 

[2]  The process of taking food into the body is known as ?

[1] Egestion                  [2] Ingestion                   [3]  Digestive                 [4]  nutrition

Answer;-  Ingestion

[3]  Which of these organs are accessory organs of the digestive system ?

[1]Liver and pancreas                  [2] Stomach and Intestine

Answer;- liver and pancreas

[4] The process of chewing food is known as________

[1]  Mastication        [2] Peristalsis       [3] Digestion       [4] Nutrition

Answer;- Mastication 

[5]  These teeth are used to grind food

[1] Incisors and canines                     [2] Premolars and molars

Answer;- Premolars and molars 

[6] The innermost part of a tooth is a_____

[1] Dentine       [2]  Enamel         [3] pulp        [4] Gum

Answer;- Pulp

[7]Which part of the alimentry canal is not involved in digestion?

[1]Mouth     [2]  Oesophagus         [3] Stomach           [4] Instine

Answer;- Mouth

[8] How many  stomach do a grass eating cow have

[1] 1                     [2] 4             [3] 5             [4] 3

Answer;- 4

Exercise – 4th   

 Fill in the blanks

[1] The  salivary glads, pancreas and the liver are the  __________   organs that secrete digestive juices .[Accessory ] 

[2] The stomach churns food with digestive juices to change it into a semi-solid material called _________ . [chyme ]

[3] Digestion of process begin in the ______ . [mouth ]

[4] The greater part of digestion takes place in the ___________. [ Small intestine ] 

[5] Humans are _________ by feding habit, so they have all the basic types of teeth .  [omnivores ] 

[6] In humans the ___________ are teeth used to bite and cut the food . [Incisors ] 

[7] The teeth are coated with _________  , Which is the hardest substance in the body . [Enamel ] 

[8] Animals like cattle and sheep that chew the cud are called _________. [Ruminants ] 

Exercise 5th

True or false

[1] Food has to be broken down into simpler substance before it can be used by the body . [True ] 

Explanation : First level of digestion happens in mouth when saliva get mixed with smaller pieces of food. Also our esophagus can take the smaller chunk of food only.

[2] the amoeba does not have a special organ for eating food . [ True ] 

[3] The dentine is the hardest part of the body . [True ] 

[4] A child will have 20 milk teeth . [True ] 

[5] Bacteria act on the bits of food in the mouth to from plaque . [True ] 

[6] The stomach is found in the lower abdomen . [False ] 

[7] Glucose is used to get energy through respiration [True]

[8] ruminats cannot digest cellouse  [True]


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