Ncert – class 7th – Chapter 10th – Respiration

Ncert – Chapter – 10th – Respiration

In this post we will see  class 7th Science  – Respiration based on NCERT. It can be used for all the students studying in CBSE boards or any board which are using the NCERT books for their syllabus. All the answers are prepared by Expert teachers and are very useful for all the board using NCERT like CBSE, State boards.

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Exercise – 1st Answer in Brief

[1] Which process helps the body get energy from food ?

Solution – Respiration  process  helps the body get energy from food .

[2] What is Branchoile ?

Solution – In the lungs the bronchii branch into smaller tubes known as brancholies .

[3] What is an alveolus ?

Solution – The lungs composed of million of tiny air sacs called alvelovs .

[4] What role does oxygen play in respiration ?

Solution –  Oxygen required for the cells to carry out celluar respiration carbon dioxide the product of celluar respiration is carried to the alveloi by the blood .

[5] How do frog Breathe ?

Solution – Frog breathe through gills while they are tadpoles adult frog breathe mainly With lungs and also exchange with the enviroment  through their moist skin .

[6] When does anaerobic respiration occur in the human body ?

Solution – During vigerous exercise our heart and lungs cannot supply sufficient oxygen to our muscle Quickly enough our muscle quickly enough our muscle begin to respirate anaerobically .

[7] How do plants take in air ?

Solution –  During the during the plants absorb carbon dioxide through the stomata and gives out oxygen at night oxygen diffuses in mainly through the benefits .

Exercise -2nd Answer in Long 

[1] What is the difference between external and internal respiration ?

Solution ;- 

[1] External respiration or breathing involves the exchange of two gases Oxygen and carbon dioxide . Oxygen is taken in the form enviroment and carbon dioxide and water are sent out by specific organ dissues or cells are used for external respiration .

[2] Internal or celluar respiration involves the realse of energy in cells Carbon dioxide and water are waste products commonly prouced during this process cellular respiration take place in all living cell throughout the body .

[2] Explain the mechanisms which air is taken in and driven out of the lungs ?

Solution – Inhalation ;-

The process of breathing in air is called inhalation During inhalation the muscle present between the rubs contract and move the ribs upward and outside . The diaphagram contracts and becomes flat the breast bone moves outwards . As a result the volume of the chest cavity increase this lower the pressure in & lungs   and the air from outside the body flows into the lungs .

Exhalation ;- 

The process of breathing out air is called exchalation . During exchalation the muscle between the ribs relax and the ribs and the breast bone return to their original position . The diaphgram also relaxes amd become dome – shaped as a result the volume of the chest cavity decreases this increase the pressure inside the lung nd forces the  air out of lungs .

[3] What is the difference between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration ?

Solution – The process by which organisms respire in the presence of oxygen is called aerobic respiration .

Glucose + oxygen +Carbon dioxide + water + Energy 

The process by which organisms respire in the absence of oxygen is called anaerobic respiration .

Glucose + Alchol  + Carbon dioxide +energy 

Exercise – 3rd Multiple choice question .

[1] Which of these are not a part of the human respiratory system ?

[1] Alveoli

[2] Bronchioles

[3] Spiracles

[4] Gills

Answer – 3 and 4

[2] Which of the following is not true about celluar respiration ?

[1] It occurs in all living things .

[2] It occurs all the time  — Day and night

[3] It does not release energy .

[4] It uses oxygen and libetes carbon dioxide and water .

Answer – It does not realse energy .

[3] Which of these are air sacs in the lungs ?

[1] Bronchi

[2] Trachease

[3] alveoli

[4] Spiracles

Answer – Alveoli 

[4] Insect breathe through small pores on the surface of the body called ________

[1] gills

[2] Nostrils

[3] Spiracles

[4] Lenticles

Answer – Spiracles .

[5] Amomeba and paramecium exchange gases with their enviroment through _____

[1] gills

[2] Diffusion

[3] Lungs

[4] Spiracles

Answer – Diffusion 

[6] Earth worm breathe using __________

[1] Lungs

[2] spiracles

[3] Moist skin

[4] gills

Answer – Moist skin 

[7] Aerobic respiration needs ________

[1] Oxygen

[2] Carbon dioxide

[3] nitrogen

[4] hydrozen

Answer – Oxygen 

[8] During anoerobic respiration_______

[1] A lot of energy is realsed

[2] very little energy is realsed

[3] oxygen is realsed

[4] energy is not realsed at all

Answer – Very little energy is realsed 

[9] When muscle respire anaerobically __________ accumalets  in them .

[1] Glucose

[2] Water

[3] Lactic acid

[4] Oxygen 

Answer – Lactic acid 

[10] Plants exchange gases with air through their ___________

[1] Epidermis

[2] Stomata

[3] alveoli

[4] lenticles

Answer – Stomata and lenticles 

Exercise – 4th Fill In The Blanks .

[1] When you breathe , the air passes through the nostrils into the tracho through the ________

Answer – Pharyinx .

[2] In ______ respiration ,energy is released in cells.

Answer – Celluar 

[3] During ______ the muscle present in between the ribs move the ribs upward and outwards while the diaphgram pushes down and become flat .

Answer – Inhalation .

[4] During __________ the pressure inside the chest cavity incease .

Answer – Exchalation .

[5] Frogs breathe though ______ when they are tadpoles .

Answer – Gills .

[6] Insect breathe through the tracheae which open on the surface of the body through mall pores called _____

Answer – Spiracles .

[7] Celluar respiration that uses oxygen is called ______ respiration .

Answer – Aerobic .

[8] During anaerobic respiration ,energy is realsed in the absence of __________

Answer – Oxygen 

[9] Yeast cell convert glucose into carbon dioxide and ______

Answer – Enthal 

[10] In plants , _____________ does not take place at night .

Answer – Photosynthesis .

Exercise – True or false 

[1] Respiration is a process in which energy is prouced ?                                             { True}

[2] Lungs are present only in humans ?                                                                          { false }

[3] Air enters the lungs through the bronchi ?                                                                { False }

[4] Both oxygen and carbon dioxide can diffuse through the walls of alveoli .                { True }

[5] The roots of a plant do not  need oxygen .                                                                   { False }

[6] frogs breathe using their skin and lungs .                                                                      { True }

[7] In insect , oxygen reaches all part of the body through the blood .                               { False }

[8] Lenticles are not used for breathing .                                                                               { False }

[9] The stem is the main respiratory organ in a plant ?                                                          { False }

[10] Stomata help in the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen in plants .                        { True }

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