The exercise includes the use of Euclids division lemma.
Use Euclid division algorithm to find HCF of:
1: 135 and 225
2:196 and 38220
3: 867 and 225
1: 135 and 225
Here we can see that 225 is greater than 135. Therefore applying Euclid division algorithm we can have,
225 = 135*1 +90
Again remainder 90 is not equal to zero, so we can apply Euclid division lemma for 90 and we get,
Again 45 is not equal to zero, repeating the step we have,
Here we get remainder zero, and in the last step divisior is 45 therefore we get our hcf.
Hence HCF of 135 and 225 is 45.
2: 196 and 38220
Here 38220 > 196 therefore by applying division lemma and taking 38220 as divisor, we get
38220 = 196*195+0
Remainder is zero.
The HCF is 196.
3: 867 and 225
Here 867 > 225 ,therefore by applying division lemma and taking 867 as divisor we get,
867 =225*3+102
But we don’t get remainder zero therefore by applying Euclid division algorithm and taking 102 as a divisor we get,
225 =102*2+51
Again remainder is not equal to zero so repeating the process we get,
102 = 51*2+0
Now we get the remainder zero.
Hence HCF is 51.