NCERT Class 10th – Chapter 3 – Exercise 3.2 Pair of Two Equations in Two Variables

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QUE:- 1. Form the pair of linear equations in the following problems, and find their solutions

         (i) 10 students of Class X took part in a Mathematics quiz. If the number of girls is 4
         more than the number of boys, find the number of boys and girls who took part in
         the quiz.
        (ii) 5 pencils and 7 pens together cost ` 50, whereas 7 pencils and 5 pens together

        cost ` 46. Find the cost of one pencil and that of one pen.


(i) let the number of girls = x

and let the numbers of boys =y

total number of students =10

therefore , x +y = 10……………(1)

according to quetion , number of girl 4is more than number of boys  so

x=y+4      …………………….(2)

to represent graphically ,three solution of each equation is needed.

to represent graphicaly , three solution of each equation is needed.

from the equation (1) we get

x= 10-y

x 5 4 6
y 5 6 4

from the equation (2) , we get

x= y +4

x 5 4 3
y 1 0 -1


let the cost of one pencil =x rs and let the cost of one pen = y rs

according to first condition

5x+7y =50……………..(1)

according to second condition

7x +5y =46……………….(2)

to represent graphically three solutions of each equation is given below ,

from the equation (1) , we get

x= (50-7y)/5

x 3 10 -4
y 5 0 10

from the equation (2) , we get

x=(46 -5y)/7

x 8 3 -2
y -2 5 12

QUE :-2 On compairing  the ratio a1/a2,b1/b2, and c1/c2 find out whether the lines representing the following pairs of linear equations intersect at a point , are parallel or cioncident:

    (i) 5x 4y +8 =0

       7x + 6y -9 =0

    (ii) 9x +3y +12 =0

         18 x +6y +24 = 0

    (iii) 6x -3y =10=0

       2x  -y = 9 =0


(i) 5x 4y +8 =0

7x + 6y -9 =0

here, a1/a2 =5/7,b1/b2 =-4/6=-2/3

⇒ a1/a2 ≠ b1/b2 ,so , the following pairs of linear equations intersect at a point.

(ii) 9x +3y +12 =0

18 x +6y +24 = 0

here , a1/a2 =9/18=1/2,b1/b2=3/6=1/2,c1/c2 =12/24=1/2

⇒ a1/a2 =b1/b2 =c1/c2 , so the following pairs of linear equation are coincident.

(iii) 6x -3y =10=0

2x  -y = 9 =0

here , a1/a2 =6/2=3/1,b1/b2=-3/-1=3/1,c1/c2 =10/9

⇒ a1/a2 =b1/b2 ≠ c1/c2 , so the following pairs of linear equation are parallel.

QUE :-3 On compairing  the ratio a1/a2,b1/b2, and c1/c2 find out whether the  following pairs of linear equations are consistence , or inconsistent :

(i) 3x +2y =5 ; 2x -3y =7    (ii) 2x -3y =8 ; 4x+6y =9

(iii) (3/2)x +(5/3)y =7 ;9x -10y =14 (iv) 5x -3y =11; -10x+6y =-22

(v) 4/3x+2y =8 ; 2x +3y = 12


(i) 3x +2y =5

    2x -3y =7

here , a1/a2 =3/2,b1/b2=2/-3=1/2,c1/c2 =12/24=1/2

⇒ a1/a2 ≠b1/b2  , so the following pairs of linear equation are coinsistent.

 (ii) 2x -3y =8

   4x -6y =9

here , a1/a2 =2/4=1/2 ,b1/b2=-3/-6=1/2,c1/c2 =8/9

⇒ a1/a2 =b1/b2 ≠c1/c2 , so the following pairs of linear equation are incoinsistent.

(iii) 3/2x +5/3y =7

    9x -10y =14

here , a1/a2 =(3/2)/9=1/6,b1/b2=(5/3)/-10=-1/6

⇒ a1/a2 ≠b1/b2  , so the following pairs of linear equation are coinsistent.

(iv) 5x -3y =11

    -10x +6y =-22

here , a1/a2 =5/-10=-1/2,b1/b2=-3/6=-1/2,c1/c2 =11/22=-1/2

⇒ a1/a2 =b1/b2 =c1/c2 , so the following pairs of linear equation are coinsistent.

(v) 4/3x +2y =8

    2x +3y =12

here , a1/a2 =(4/3)/2=2/3,b1/b2=2/3,c1/c2 =8/12=2/3

⇒ a1/a2 =b1/b2 =c1/c2 , so the following pairs of linear equation are coinsistent.

QUE:-4 Which of the following pairs of linear equations are consistent/inconsistent? If
           consistent, obtain the solution graphically:

         (i) x + y = 5, 2x + 2y = 10
         (ii) x – y = 8, 3x – 3y = 16
         (iii) 2x + y – 6 = 0, 4x – 2y – 4 = 0
         (iv) 2x – 2y – 2 = 0, 4x – 4y – 5 = 0

SOL :-

 (i) x + y = 5,

   2x + 2y = 10

a1/a2 =1/2,b1/b2=1/2,c1/c2 =5/10=1/2

⇒ a1/a2 =b1/b2 =c1/c2 , so the following pairs of linear equation are coinsistent.

for three solutions of each equation,

from equation (1)


x 4 3 2
y 1 2 3

from equation (2)

x= (10-2y)/2

x 4 3 2
y 1 2 3

graph que 4 (i)

que 4 (i)

(ii) x – y = 8,

3x – 3y = 16

a1/a2 =1/3,b1/b2=1/3,c1/c2 =8/16=1/2

⇒ a1/a2 =b1/b2 ≠c1/c2 , so the following pairs of linear equation are incoinsistent.

(iii) 2x + y – 6 = 0,

4x – 2y – 4 = 0

a1/a2 =2/4=1/2,b1/b2=1/-2,

⇒ a1/a2 ≠b1/b2  , so the following pairs of linear equation are coinsistent/inconsistent.

from equation (1) we get

x= 6-y/2

x 0 1 2
y 6 4 2

from equation (2) we get

x= 4+2y/4

x 1 2 3
y 0 2 4

que.4 (iii)

(iv) 2x – 2y – 2 = 0,

4x – 4y – 5 = 0

a1/a2 =2/4=1/2,b1/b2=-2/-4=1/2,c1/c2 =-2/-5=2/5

⇒ a1/a2 =b1/b2 ≠c1/c2 , so the following pairs of linear equation are incoinsistent.

QUE:-5. Half the perimeter of a rectangular garden, whose length is 4 m more than its width, is
            36 m. Find the dimensions of the garden.


let breadth(B) of garden= x meter

let length(L) of gaeden = y meter

half of perimeter =36 meter

so 1/2[2(x+y)]=36

x +y =36     ……………….(1)

according to the question L is 4 meter more than B so,

y = x + 4

to get 3 solution of each equation

from equqtion (1)

x =36 – y

x 0 36 16
y 36 0 20

from equqtion (2)

y = x + 4

x 0 8 12
y 4 8 16

graph of que.5

both the lines intersect at (16,20 ).

so the B of garden is 16 meter and L of garden is 20 meter .

QUE:-6 Given the linear equation 2x + 3y – 8 = 0, write another linear equation in two variables
            such that the geometrical representation of the pair so formed is:
           (i) intersecting lines               (ii) parallel lines              (iii) coincident lines


(i)  given line 2x + 3y-8 =0 is intersect the line x + y -10=0

a1/a2 ≠b1/b2

(ii)  given line  2x + 3y-8 =0 is parallel to 4x +6y – 9 =0

a1/a2 =b1/b2 ≠c1/c2

(iii) given line  2x + 3y-8 =0 is coincident to 4x + 6y -16 =0

a1/a2 =b1/b2 =c1/c2

QUE7. Draw the graphs of the equations x – y + 1 = 0 and 3x + 2y – 12 = 0. Determine the
           coordinates of the vertices of the triangle formed by these lines and the x-axis, and
            shade the triangular region.


       x – y + 1 = 0 ……………………(1)

       3x + 2y – 12 = 0 ………………..(2)

equation (1) we get  x = y -1

x 0 1 2
y 1 2 3

equation (2) we get x=(12-2y)/3


x 4 2 0
y 0 3 6

graph of que.7

the cordinates of the verticle of the triangle formed by tjese lines and the x- axis are

(-1 ,0 ) , (4 , 0) and ( 2,3)

You can see the solution for complete chapter here –

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